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Senior Product Designer (Mobile)

StepStone Services Etat  Warszawa, mazowieckie, Polska

Opis oferty pracy

Senior Product Designer (Mobile)


StepStone is a global organization and one of the most successful online job board businesses in Europe today and runs a number of job boards in several European countries. StepStone Services is a StepStone Group global IT Development Center located in Warsaw, supporting our European branches in application development and IT support for our web services across Europe. All the software that runs our websites is developed in-house.

What you’ll do:

  • Own and define problem statements– collaborate across design, engineering, and product to drive solutions from discovery to launch
  • Tell stories through wireframes and sketches of how people will interact with our products and features
  • Work with teammates, and stakeholders to understand and build solutions
  • Build a vision for your product area and help the team iterate towards it
  • Drive product design process from research, wire-frames to excellent visual execution, writing effective copy, illustration, and everything in between
  • Guide the work of other designers through feedback that is clear, helpful and actionable

What we look for:

  • You have at least 3-5 years of experience in design and usability related work function
  •  An impressive portfolio of UI/UX with implemented mobile apps.
  • Case Study from implemented products.
  • Strong knowledge of user interface design processes and methodology, particularly as applied to mobile apps
  • Ability to understand customer needs, motivations and behaviours and translate them into actionable deliverable
  • Ability to apply and explain strategic business thinking to design decision making
  • Experience designing for iOS and Android
  • Experience working jointly with product owners and developers
  • Curious, self-motivated, optimistic and a skilled problem-solver
  • You’re excited about the prospect of working in a team with other designers, sharing feedback and mentoring each other
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills

We offer:

  • Full-time employment contract
  • Medical insurance with dental care
  • Life insurance
  • MultiBenefit – you choose what you want
  • International environment
  • Training and conferences
  • Everyday fresh fruits
  • Integration events
  • Gifts
  • English lessons
  • Technological variety
  • Referral Program
  • Quarterly bonuses
  • Competitive salary package
  • Challenging work on complex web applications
  • Game room

Please send your portfolio and your resume in English to recruitment.team@stepstone.com




Applying for this offer you do agree to processing by StepStone Services Sp. z o.o. of your personal data included in the recruitment application in order to recruit for the position indicated in the advertisement. The data controller is StepStone Services Sp. z o.o.   with its registered office in Warsaw (ul. Domaniewska 50, 02-672). The personal data provided shall be processed solely for the purpose of the current recruitment process and - in case of additional consent - for future recruitment processes.

The data will be stored for 1 year after the end of the recruitment process or until the withdrawal of consent in case of interest in future recruitments.

The processing of personal data is based on your voluntary consent (Article 6(1)(a) of the GDRP), which may be withdrawn at any time (without prejudice to the prior lawfulness of the data processing), as well as the legitimate interest of the controller (e.g. defence of possible claims - Article 6(1)(f) of the GDRP).

You have at all times the right to access your data, the right to rectify it, the right to erase data, the right to limit processing, the right to object and the right to data transfer. Declarations regarding the exercise of rights should be submitted to the e-mail address: recruitment.team@stepstone.com

The recipients of your personal data are the hosting entities servicing the data controller and the recruitment system provider. If you have any specific questions regarding the processing of personal data by StepStone Services Sp. z o.o., please contact the Data Protection Officer at: iodo@stepstone.com




Aplikując na tę ofertę zgadzasz się na przetwarzanie przez StepStone Services Sp. z o.o. Twoich danych osobowych zawartych w zgłoszeniu rekrutacyjnym w celu prowadzenia rekrutacji na stanowisko wskazane w ogłoszeniu. Administratorem podanych przez Ciebie danych osobowych jest StepStone Services Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie (ul. Domaniewska 50, 02-672 ). Podane dane osobowe będą przetwarzane wyłącznie w celu realizacji obecnego procesu rekrutacyjnego oraz – w przypadku wyrażenia dodatkowej zgody – w celu przyszłych procesów rekrutacyjnych.

Dane będą przechowywane przez okres 1 roku po zakończeniu rekrutacji lub do czasu wycofania zgody w przypadku zainteresowania również przyszłymi rekrutacjami.

Podstawą przetwarzania danych osobowych jest dobrowolnie wyrażona przez Pana/Panią zgoda (art. 6 ust. 1 lit. a RODO), która może być w każdym czasie wycofana (przy czym nie wpływa to na wcześniejszą zgodność z prawem przetwarzania danych), a także prawnie uzasadniony interes administratora (np. obrona ewentualnych roszczeń – art. 6 ust. 1 lit. f RODO).

W każdym czasie przysługuje Panu / Pani prawo dostępu do treści danych, prawo ich sprostowania, prawo usunięcia danych, prawo do ograniczenia przetwarzania, prawo do wniesienia sprzeciwu oraz prawo do przenoszenia danych. Oświadczenia w zakresie realizacji praw prosimy składać na adres e-mail: recruitment.team@stepstone.com

Odbiorcami Pana/Pani danych osobowych są obsługujące administratora podmioty w zakresie hostingu oraz dostawca systemu rekrutacyjnego.   Szczegółpwe pytania w zakresie przetwarzania danych osobowych przez StepStone Services Sp. z o.o. prosimy kierować do Inspektora Ochrony Danych na adres: iodo@stepstone.com

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