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Regular UX Designer

Merixstudio Kontrakt B2B  Poznań, wielkopolskie, Polska

Opis oferty pracy

Exciting projects. Great atmosphere. Personal growth. Project bonuses. Merixstudio.

We’re creative software house based in Poznań. We’re also the best polish software house in the global ranking of the Clutch.co! Our strength has always been the newest technologies like Django, Angular or HTML5 but not only… our greatest strength is a team of creative experts. It’s all about people! Merixstudio not only stands for software development – first and foremost, we’re also a bunch of friends with fascinating hobbies we love to share. We plan, design and develop web applications & digital products since 1999. We love open source, good beer, and delicious food! Would you like to join us?

Regular UX Designer

Salary: 5850 – 9200 PLN + VAT (B2B)


What you’ll do

You’ll be working for the final shape of the product. Conduct UX workshops with the client and collect requirements for the project will be a part of your daily work.

And naturally, you’ll design the solution based on the workshop outcome and additional research. Close collaboration with the whole development team and an agile approach – you don’t have to worry about it – it’s a normal thing!

Who you are

  • you have at least 2-years experience in the design of digital services and products
  • you have a good command of the design tools eg. Axure, Sketch, Adobe XD )
  • you can design RWD websites
  • you can design web applications
  • you have sufficient skills for creating information architecture and defining user paths
  • you have experience in conducting research and tests on users (we use HotJar and GA for it)
  • you have run the workshops for clients
  • you can analyze clients’ business needs
  • you have advanced English skills (Business English will be an asset)
  • you have practical knowledge of UCD
  • you have experience in working in teams
  • your experience in working in agile projects or remote teams will be an asset

What we’d like to see

  • your experience in working in agile projects or remote teams
  • your experience in working for different industries
  • some completed courses, studies or post-graduate studies in the field of UX design
  • your experience in presenting your work in front of a client
  • practical knowledge regarding web analysis


  • project bonuses;
  • development talks every 6 months;
  • financed external trainings;
  • regular internal training;
  • totally free MultiSport card;
  • free English lessons;
  • flexible working hours;
  • home-office;
  • team parties;
  • chillout room and fresh fruits twice a week 🙂


Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest Adam Śledzikowski prowadzący działalność gospodarczą pod firmą „Adam Śledzikowski MERIXSTUDIO” z głównym miejscem wykonywania działalności gospodarczej w Poznaniu (61-129) przy ul. Małachowskiego 10, posiadający NIP: 7772427860 i REGON: 301610607. Na mocy odpowiedniej umowy zawartej z MERIXSTUDIO, współadministratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest spółka GoDealla Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Poznaniu przy ul. Małachowskiego 10, 61-129 Poznań, wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców prowadzonego przez Sąd Rejonowy Poznań – Nowe Miasto i Wilda w Poznaniu, VIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego pod numerem KRS 0000406039, NIP 7831685435, REGON 302001218. Zasadnicza treść uzgodnień między współadministratorami dostępna jest na stronie internetowej pod adresem: https://www.merixstudio.com/pages/polityka-prywatnosci/.

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